Working Group for Sundials
GSA (Gnomonicae Societas Austriaca)
in the Austrian Astronomical Society

  The logo of the "Working Group for Sundials" (left upper corner) shows one of Austria's oldest style sundials, the sundial of the St. Stephans Cathedral in Vienna

Objectives of the Working Group

1. Assistance in the preservation of historical sundials
Austria is one of the countries with the richest heritage of sundials in the world. The members of the Working Group see it as their duty to support, in the best possible manner, the authorities who are responsible for the preservation of sundials as culturally valuable assets (offices for the protection of historical monuments, communal administrations, etc.) in the restoration of dial-plates and gnomons.

2. Design of new sundials
The GSA encourages and supports the design and the construction of new sundials. Many members are able to contribute their special know-how and experience.

3. Cataloging Austrian sundials
As of 1982, sundials in Austria have been systematically registered and stored in a database that is continuously updated. Currently the database contains more than 3000 sundials. At present Adi Prattes, Klagenfurt manages the sundial database. He records newly constructed sundials, changes or loss of sundials, and updates sundial data if required. We would appreciate your informations or pictures (digital photos or prints, slides, etc.), sent to Adi Prattes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

4. Contact to other sundial associations abroad
The Working Group for Sundials is interested in contacts to foreign sundial associations. Regularly, seminars are organized, letters exchanged, and personal contacts are made.

5. GSA - Publications
Since 1990, GSA has informed its members through two circulars ('RUNDSCHREIBEN') per year about events, literature, gnomonic activities of GSA members, and general articles on sundials.
Editors of the 'RUNDSCHREIBEN': 1990 to 2000 Karl Schwarzinger, 2001 to 2004 Ilse Fabian, 2005 to 2011 Klaus Göller, since 2011 Kurt Descovich.

Download of  CONTENT and AUTHORS of all articles in Rundschreiben Nr. 1 - 66 (1990 - 2023) is offered here but, the download of the digital versions of all RUNDSCHREIBEN is not possible on this website. This is allowed for GSA-members only on website


Joining the Working Group for Sundials requires membership in the Austrian Astronomic Association. You are invited to become a member by sending the filled-in application form and by transferring the annual membership fee of EUR 25,00.
Please contact Norbert Rainer or Peter Husty (see address below) for GSA membership. You will receive the application form and a payment slip.

Annual Meetings

Since 1990, GSA has organized an annual meeting in fall, usually in September. At these meetings, the members of the GSA get acquainted and exchange their experience with sundials. On the first day, lectures, slide shows and reports are presented and general matters regarding the association are discussed. The program for the second day usually includes an all-day bus trip to sundials in the respective region.

The following conferences have taken place or are planned:

1990 Wien 1991 Wien
1992 Wals bei Salzburg 1993 Szombathely, Westungarn
1994 Krems an der Donau, Niederösterreich 1995 St. Ulrich in Gröden, Südtirol
1996 Kremsmünster, Oberösterreich 1997 Schloss Seggau bei Leibnitz, Steiermark
1998 Stockerau (nahe Wien) 1999 Lienz, Osttirol
2000 Mariapfarr i. Lungau, Salzburg 2001 St. Georgen am Längsee, Kärnten
2002 Köszeg, Westungarn 2003 Weyregg am Attersee, Oberösterreich
2004 Oberperfuß, Tirol 2005 Melk, Niederösterreich
2006 Aigen-Schlägl, Oberösterreich 2007 St. Ulrich, Grödental, Südtirol (Italien)
2008 Eugendorf, Salzburg 2009 Friedersbach (nahe Zwettl), NÖ (Niederösterreich)   
2010 Zernez, Engadin (Schweiz) 2011 Mödling (südlich von Wien)
2012 Breitenau (östl. von Neunkirchen), NÖ 2013 Sistiana/Duino (Triest,It)
2014 Gamlitz, Südsteiermark 2015 Hotel Donauschlinge, Schlögen
2016 Lienz, Osttirol 2017 Peygarten, Waldviertel, Niederösterreich
2018 Seeboden, Kärnten 2019 Passau, D (together with German Group)
2020 cancelled 2021 Bad Ischl, Oberösterreich
2022 Bad Sauerbrunn, Burgenland 2023 Innsbruck, Tirol


Joining the Working Group for Sundials requires membership in the Austrian Astronomic Association. You are invited to become a member by sending the filled-in application form and by transferring the annual membership fee of EUR 25,00.
Please contact Norbert Rainer or Peter Husty (see address below) for GSA membership. You will receive the application form and a payment slip.

Foundation of the Working Group

The Working Group was initiated by Karl Schwarzinger in Vienna on 13 October 1990. The chairman of the Austrian Astronomic Association, Dr. Robert Weber, the general secretary, Hermann Mucke, former director of the Urania observatory and the Planetarium Vienna, as well as 25 people from Austria and foreign countries were present. Currently, the "Working Group for Sundials" includes about 120 members.

From 1990 to 2000 Karl Schwarzinger was chairman of the Working Group. He initiated the publication of the sundial catalog and the Rundschreiben (circular letters), contacts to foreign countries, and the annual meetings. January 2001 to 19. Sep. 2008  Helmut Sonderegger has been chairman of the Working Group. As of 19. Sep. 2008 Peter Husty is chairman of the Austrian Working group.

The GSA in the Internet

Austrian Astronomical Society:
Arbeitsgruppe Sonnenuhren (GSA) - Sundials in Austria:
Software regarding sundials:


Astronomic bureau : see

Chairman of the Working Group for Sundials:
Peter Husty, Bayernstrasse 8b, A - 5411 Oberalm
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Editorial office for the "Rundschreiben":
DI Kurt Descovich, Hütteldorfer Strasse 50/12, A-1150 Wien
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Norbert Rainer, Berggasse 4, A - 3500 Krems a.d. Donau
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Recording of sundials and updates:
Adi Prattes, Heizhausgasse 41, A - 9020 Klagenfurt
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